
Screenshots of the GPS chart for Garmin

Below are some screenshots of the more usual chart display applications running AnglingCharts latest Corrib Chart for GPS. Garmin Homeport, and Garmin Mapsource are both suitable for use with the chart, and it installs into both automatically. Garmin Mapsource is now unsupported by Garmin, and is being discontinued.
Cornamona Bay in Mapsource
Cornamona & Farnaght - Homeport
Oughterard Bay - Homeport
Doon Narrows - Mapsource
Screenshot from bathymetry creation process.
Below is a raw sonar data dump, unedited, overlayed with The Corrib Chart. This is an area to the west of Cleenalaun where the lake bed is just a chaotic pile of rocks for a very large area. You can see that the Needles and Illaunagowna Shallows are simply the southern tip of this huge shallow formation, which varies between 8ft and 25 ft.