Import Dr Depth Contours to make your Lowrance chart
If you already have your old mp format contours in Lowrance or Garmin format, its good news, and you can miss out step 2 . Simply File - add - and select your mp file.
If you dont have contours already, run Dr Depth to create the DD Map, and select Tools - Create iso-contour lines, and select mp file. It doesnt matter if it is Lowrance mp or Garmin mp. Save the mp to file.
If you import in Lowrance format it will ask if you want to change typeset. Just say yes.
You now have your contours in the map. They will most likely be in meters, so just hit Tools - convert labels - meters to feet, and they will be in feet.
Now to convert them to AT5 types - so Edit - select - by type. The box will pop up with all the objects types in the map to choose from.
Select the non-navico lines, probably called Major depth contour, minor depth contour and intermediate depth contour. OK
When they are highlighted hold the cursor over one of them and right click. Select modify - Type
Now select the Navico Depth Contour from the list. OK
If you want these to start appearing at a lower zoom level then just leave them selected, right click over one and modify - extend to level - 1 (I'd suggest).
You now have your contours, so save the mp file (File- Save as - something imaginative), then File-export- ESRI shp. Fire up your IMC if its not running already, load your 3 shapefiles into it, and build the chart.
A couple of seconds later you'll have it in the Emulator or in Planner, ready to roll. If it looks good just copy it onto an SD card and head out on the water.